Value Intelligence Conference
The Value Intelligence Conference is an event for institutional fund investors. Unfortunately, private clients cannot attend the event. We will gladly accept registrations from institutional fund investors for the next conference. Details will be avaliable shortly.
Downloads Value Intelligence Fonds AMI
Factsheet Value Inst. (I) 12/2024
Factsheet Value Inst. (S) 12/2024
Downloads Value Intelligence ESG Fonds AMI
Downloads Value Intelligence Gold Company Fonds AMI
Preserve wealth - invest globally
Value Intelligence Advisors GmbH (VIA) is an independent asset management company based in Munich, Germany. Our most important product is the "Value Intelligence Fonds AMI" – a value-oriented global equity fund for which VIA acts as advisor. The long-term aim of the fund is to achieve attractive equity returns with comparatively low risk.

"Managing our customers’ wealth is based on the most stable pillars of value-oriented thinking: Qualitative company research in the tradition of Columbia Business School, the more recent results of empirical and behavioral academic research as well as the collective wisdom of the most experienced value investors.“
Stefan Rehder, founder and managing director of VIA GmbH
Risk Averse Value Investing
Value Intelligence Advisors GmbH is dedicated to the comparatively modern and risk averse interpretation of the value approach. Our stylistic role models include in particular Warren Buffett and Jean-Marie Eveillard, two of the most successful value investors of all times. The risk averse school of value investing is still not very commonly known in the German-speaking world. This is all the more remarkable since the characteristic combination of an attractive long-term return and a defensive risk profile represents the ideal investment objective of the majority of investors. With our work, we want to help institutional investors to take advantage of this investment approach. We are convinced that a strong focus on the preservation of capital will not necessarily hurt performance. On the contrary: Avoiding losses is an important prerequisite for earning attractive, long-term returns.